The Photsat photometric catalogue

Photsat is the first astrophysics observatory being prepared by the Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC) to be allocated in a cubesat mission to be launched in 2025-2026. The mission aims to survey the full sky during 2-3 years, obtaining photometric lightcurves for V<12-15 mag in several photometric filters, covering the optical and the ultraviolet range with a cadence of one datapoint every 2 days. This will complement the information of the transient sky at the bright end that other projects, as LSST, are not able to provide. The preparation of this mission will also be the first step to create a collaborative network needed among the different catalan universities and institutes to be able to plan future missions of this kind.
The role of the student would be to help define the content of the photometric catalogue of the mission. In order to do that, some of the tasks that the student could develop are defining the calibration pipeline to transform the raw images into calibrated magnitudes in the final catalogue, defining the procedure and set of external calibrators to be used to transform the raw observations into physical units and to identify the differences in the processing of the survey (default observing mode scanning the full sky every 2 days) and stare (pointing to an specific region in the sky) mode photometric catalogues.
J.M. Carrasco & E. Masana
It is desirable previous experience with observational astronomy and photometric reduction process (flatfield and bias subtraction, ...). Also programming abilities (in Python for example) would be needed for the task.