Calibrating a new low-cost radio telescope to measure the rotation curve of the Milky Way


In this project, the student will assemble a low-cost radio telescope (a Horn antenna) on the roof of the Physics Faculty building, for future courses in radio astronomy at UB. This telescope is tailored to observe in the protected frequency band containing the HI emission line at 1.42GHz. Similar attempts to install a low-cost radio antenna have been successful, and this project builds upon their experience. The goal is to measure the velocities of neutral hydrogen clouds in the Galactic Plane from the 1.42GHz emission line, to characterise the uncertainties of the instrument, and to document the assembly of the apparatus, in either Catalan, Spanish, or English.

The student will learn to analyse radio data and how to make physical sense of them. Basic knowledge of Galactic astronomy, statistics, and python programming are necessary. Experience with simple electronics is very recommended. 

Gemma Busquet, Xavi Luri, Friedrich Anders