Unveiling the nature of the HH377 shock throught Herschel-PACS observations


Molecular outflows are among the most conspicuous manifestations of a nascent star. These outflows are known to result from the entrainment of circumstellar gas, swept up by the primary jet, where a shock front is generated as a consequence of the supersonic impact of the jet with the natal cloud. Shocks heat, accelerate, and compress the ambient gas material switching on a complex chemistry that leads to an enhancement of the abundance of several species. The goal of this project is to investigate the physical conditions of the Herbig-Haro object HH377 of the Cepheus E outflow using spectroscopic data from PACS instruments onboard of Herschel satellite. The observational results will be compared with the shock-model predictions to understand the nature of the HH 377 shock.

Gemma Busquet

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