The recognition of their talent and dedication by the 'La Caixa' Foundation is a testament to the exceptional quality of research being conducted at the Institute of Cosmos Sciences as a María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence.
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The Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona proudly announces that five of its researchers have been awarded highly competitive fellowships from the "La Caixa" Foundation. 

The five distinguished recipients are Fotios Fronimos, Pau Solé, and Jéssica Gonçalves, who have been awarded INPhINIT doctoral fellowships, and Pablo Cano and Adrià Gómez, who have been granted Junior Leader postdoctoral fellowships.

”La Caixa” Foundation has awarded 105 new doctoral and postdoctoral scholarships to excellent researchers to carry out their projects at universities and research centers in Spain and Portugal. With the INPhINIT doctoral scholarships and the Junior Leader postdoctoral scholarships, the ”la Caixa” Foundation pursues the double objective of retaining and attracting talent to promote excellent research in these countries.


Foto grupo becas doctorado y posdoctorado Fundación la Caixa
Group photo of doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships recipients. Credit: "La Caixa" Foundation.

These scholarships offer competitive salaries and cross-training. In the case of doctoral programs, issues such as scientific communication, the emotional well-being of the researcher, leadership and funding opportunities are reinforced. In postdoctoral scholarships, an independent scientific career is promoted as an option for a professional future and innovation and leadership are encouraged.

Xavier Luri, Director of the Institute of Cosmos Sciences who also attended the ceremony, expressed his satisfaction in incorporating these five researchers at the institute, "The recognition of their talent and dedication by the 'La Caixa' Foundation is a testament to the exceptional quality of research being conducted at the Institute of Cosmos Sciences as a María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence." 

The Institute of Cosmos Sciences extends its heartfelt congratulations to Fotios Fronimos, Pau Solé, Jéssica Gonçalves, Pablo Cano, and Adrià Gómez on their well-deserved achievements. Their success not only reflects their individual excellence but also underscores the ICCUB's commitment to fostering a culture of scientific accomplishment.

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