Exact results in non-abelian gauge theories from supersymmetric localization


Localization is a technique to compute functional integrals exactly. The location technique applied to the calculation of exact physical observables is one of the most spectacular recent results in non-abelian gauge theories.
This led to the calculation of the exact partition function, Wilson loop operators in supersymmetric theories, including all perturbative and non-perturbative contributions, with an exact account on all instanton effects. This master thesis will investigate several open problems in relation to four-dimensional non-abelian gauge theories by means of supersymmetric localization of path integrals.

Jorge Russo

Introduction to localization in quantum field theory
V. Pestun and M. Zabzine,

Localization at Large N
J. Russo and K. Zarembo, arXiv:1312.1214 [hep-th].