Modules and Subjects

1. Cosmology Core module (6 ECTS; semester 1)
Advanced Cosmology 6 ECTS
2. Mathematical and Statistical Techniques Core module (6 ECTS; semester 1)
Mathematical and Statistical Techniques 6 ECTS
3. Stellar and Galactic Astrophysics Elective module (12 ECTS; semester 1)
Compulsory for the Astrophysics and Space Science specialty
Star Formation and Structure 6 ECTS
Galactic Astronomy 6 ECTS
4. High Energy Physics Elective module (12 ECTS; semester 1)
Compulsory for the Particle Physics and Gravitation specialty
Quantum Field Theory 6 ECTS
Elementary Particles 6 ECTS
5. Observational and Experimental Techniques Elective module (12 ECTS; semester 2)
Instrumentation, Data Analysis and Machine Learning 6 ECTS
6. Advanced Astrophysics Elective module (12 ECTS; semester 2)
Extragalactic Astrophysics and Galaxy Formation 6 ECTS
High Energy Astrophysics 3 ECTS
Space-based Astronomy 3 ECTS
7. Advanced Particle Physics and Gravitation Elective module (18 ECTS; semester 2)
Advanced General Relativity 6 ECTS
Gauge Theories of the Standard Model 6 ECTS
Frontiers of Theoretical Physics 6 ECTS
8. Master Thesis Core module (24 ECTS; semesters 1 & 2)
Master Thesis 24 ECTS

By clicking here, you can find a list of proposals for the Master Thesis Project.

Formative Complements

The formative complements are usually taugth in Catalan and correspond to the following subjects from the Physics degree: