Non-relativistic gravities and supergravities.


We will study non-relativistic holography using non-relativistic strings and non-relativistic gravities.

Joaquim Gomis (UB) and Carles Batlle (UPC)

J. Gomis and H. Ooguri, "Nonrelativistic closed string theory", J. Math. Phys. 42(2001) 3127, hep-th/0009181

L.Aviles, E. Frodden, J.Gomis, D. Hidalgo, J. Zanelli, "JHEP 1805 (2018) 047, arXiv: 1802.8453

E. Bergshoeff, J. Gomis, Z. Yan, Nonrelativistic string theory and T-Duality, arXiv:1806.06071