Generalized Geometry as a language for Physics


Generalized geometry is a new framework for geometric structures, which, in particular, regards complex and symplectic structures as two particular cases of the same structure: a generalized complex structure. This, and other features (like the appearance of B-fields as generalized diffeomorphisms), made generalized geometry become a very suitable language for some aspects of string theory, like mirror symmetry and M-theory.

This main goal of this project is acquiring a basic but strong conceptual understanding of generalized geometry, which would allow the student to deal with mathematical and physical literature in the future as well as making independent use of the main concepts involved in generalized geometry.

The student is expected to review the basics of the theory from the viewpoint of her/his interests with the close supervision of the tutor. Moreover, and in a more independent way, the student should approach and discuss some uses of generalized geometry in Theoretical Physics from a mathematical point of view.

This project requires a good mathematical background.

Roberto Rubio

- Marco Gualtieri. Generalized complex geometry. Ann. of Math. (2), 174(1):75–123, 2011.
- Marco Gualtieri. Generalized Kähler geometry. Comm. Math. Phys., 331(1):297 331, 2014.
- Nigel Hitchin. Generalized Calabi-Yau manifolds. Q. J. Math., 54(3):281 -308, 2003.
- Nigel Hitchin. Generalized geometry - an introduction. In Handbook of pseudo-Riemannian geometry and supersymmetry, pages 185 -208. Eur. Math. Soc., Zürich, 2010.