String scattering old and new: A tour from the Veneziano amplitude to automorphic forms
Aula 507, Pere Pascual
Professor Axel Kleinschmidt (Max-Planck-Institut (Potsdam, Germany) and International Solvay Institutes, ULB (Belgium)) is offering the course "String scattering old and new: A tour from the Veneziano amplitude to automorphic forms". The lectures will take place on the Pere Pascual 507 Seminar Room (5th floor) from 2PM to 3PM.
- Lecture I: Basics of string perturbation theory (21 February)
- Lecture II: Tree level amplitudes (23 February)
- Lecture III: KLT relations, one loop amplitudes (28 February)*
*On February 28th, the lecture will take place in "La Peixera" Seminar Room