Cosmology Journal Club
Tuesdays at 15:00
Blue Room (724)
Although the focus of this Journal Club will be on cosmology, anything within the range of expertise will be accepted as a discussion topic (e.g. effective field theories, black hole physics, general matters of gravity, beyond the standard model physics).
This year format is that in rotation, one/two participants, decided the week before the Journal Club, will have the chance to talk about their own work or about an interesting paper of their choice.
If you wish to participate contact Ignasi Pérez
Gravity and Strings Journal Club
Milky Way Journal Club
Tuesdays at 14:00
DAM Seminar (724 room)
The Milky Way Journal Club discusses recent papers related to Galactic Astrophysics, from simulations to observations, and from stellar to local-group scales. We usually discuss the 2 arXiv papers most voted on benty-fields by our participants. In times of physical distancing we hold the meeting via jitsi.
Contact: Friedrich Anders
Particle Physics Phenomenology Journal Club
Mondays at 14:00
Aula 507 (Faculty of Physics)
In this journal club the idea is to discuss recent papers related to Particle Physics Phenomenology. Each session will be led by a volunteer, which will give an informal blackboard talk about a paper of his/her choice, with the aim to feed the discussion among the participants. Apart from this, some sessions could also consist of a summary of a relevant conference in the field that the speaker has attended.
Quantum Journal Club
Second and Fourth Friday of each month at 9.30
Peixera, 6th floor (Faculty of Physics)
During the Quantum Journal we will discuss about interesting results in the fields of quantum information/ many-body quantum physics / cold atoms and quantum computation that appear in the arXiv and that we would like to better understand. A short arXiv survey will be followed by a short talk about a topic of interest. All information about the discussion is collected in the google group.