Cosmology Journal Club
Wednesdays at 14:30
DAM Seminar Room (7.24) (7th floor)
These weekly sessions help ICCUB researchers stay up to date with scientific progress in the realm of cosmology. The nature of our discussions is very intersectional, where attendees working on different research fields help each other obtain a general understanding in a very informal and relaxed environment. Tackling topics from a broad spectrum of expertise results in very insightful and fruitful discussions. Since all research areas in our institute overlap with cosmology, we encourage everyone to attend our meetings.
The topic and perspective of our sessions changes every week, sometimes being more theoretical and others more observational. There is a shared document where attendees add articles and topics for discussion. We also assign a volunteer to each session to ensure our meetings are always rich in content. If not enough articles have been bookmarked that week, this volunteer either explains their research or brings a topic to the table.
If you wish to participate and join the mailing list, contact Itziar Aldecoa (itzialdecoat@gmail.com).
Gravity and Strings Journal Club
Hadronic, Nuclear and Atomic Physics Journal Club
Biweekly on Mondays at 12PM
Pere Pascual Seminar Room (V5.07) (5th floor)
In the Journal Club of the Hadronic, Nuclear and Atomic Physics group, participants volunteer to present a paper of their own choice, taking into account the diverse fields of expertise of the audience.
While we like to keep an eye on new developments in machine learning techniques and other cutting-edge quantum technologies, any interesting topic from classical to modern physics is welcomed.
Each session consists of an informal presentation of the relevant topic, open to questions and discussions.
We may also organize special sessions to share our own work or productivity tools.
The Journal club takes place biweekly on Mondays at noon (12pm) at the Pere Pascual Seminar Room (V5.07).
More information can be found here: https://sites.google.com/fqa.ub.edu/hadnucatub/journal-club
If you want to join our meetings, write us at: journalclub@fqa.ub.edu
Milky Way Journal Club
Tuesdays at 14:00h
DAM Seminar (7.24 room) (7th floor)
The Milky Way Journal Club discusses recent papers related to Galactic Astrophysics, from simulations to observations, and from stellar to local-group scales. We usually discuss 2 arXiv papers presented voluntarily by participants. Our meetings can be attended in-person and through Google Meet.
Contact: Marcin Semczuk (msemczuk@fqa.ub.edu)
Quantum Comms UB Journal Club
Biweekly on Wednesdays from 14h to 15:30h
5th floor small seminar room
In the Journal Club of the QuantumCommsUB group, a speaker presents a relevant paper, chosen for its impact in quantum optics or its connection to the group's research interests.
We strive to highlight significant advances in quantum information and quantum optics, occasionally exploring new data analysis methods or techniques.
Each session features a PowerPoint presentation of the selected paper, followed by an open Q&A with the audience.
The Journal Club takes place biweekly on Wednesdays from 14h to 15:30h at the seminar in the 5th floor.
Link to the group webpage: https://quantumcomms.fqa.ub.edu/home
Contact: rlahozsanz@icc.ub.edu