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From the 22nd to the 26th ofOctober the course “ICCUB School: Protoplanetary Disks in Young StellarObjects” was held at ICCUB.

The event took place at the Physics faculty of the University of Barcelona. The lectures were given by many renowned professors. Maite Beltrán, from the INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri; Álvaro Sánchez-Monge from the Physikalisches Institut of the University of Cologne; or José Maria Torrelles, from the Institut de Ciències de l’Espai, CSIC-IEEC; were the lecturers of the course among others. The topics addressed in this edition ranged from Star formation process to Cosmic rays.

About thirty students from different countries such as Germany or Chile participated in the course, but most of the students study the Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Cosmology master, also held at the Physics faculty.

Besides the theoretical lectures, the course also included practical works. The ALMA Observing Tool and the CASA Tutorial weretwo of the programs that the ICCUB School participants learned to use.

This is the 3rd edition of the course and due to the level of the lecturers and the interest that is awakening among students, it isconsolidating as one of the strong courses of the Institute.