The Extraordinary PhD awards want to distinguish the theses that represent relevant contributions to the human knowledge and improvement of science
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ICCUB researcher Alfred Castro and former reseacher Albert Escrivà (University of Nagoya) have received the 2022 Extraordinary PhD Prizes for their doctoral theses.

The prizes were announced in 2022 but the ceremony will take place next Tuesday, May 23rd, in the Paranimph of the Historical Building, and it will be presided by the rector of the University of Barcelona, Joan Elias.

Dr. Escrivà’s thesis, “Numerical Simulations of Primordial Black Holes” aimed to put forwards the knowledge on primordial black holes using numerical methods and was carried out under the supervision of Professor Cristiano Germani (ICCUB-IEEC).

Dr. Castro’s thesis, “Detection, characterisation and use of open clusters in a Galactic context in a Big Data environment” was focused on the development of a data mining methodology to blindly search for open clusters in the Galactic disc using ESA’s mission Gaia data and it was carried out under the supervision of Professors Carme Jordi and Xavier Luri (ICCUB-IEEC).

The Extraordinary PhD awards want to distinguish the theses that represent relevant contributions to the human knowledge and improvement of science and they are decided, assessed and selected by a rigorous tribunal composed of Postdoctoral researchers and professors from UB. Only theses with the “excellent cum laude”qualification are able to compete in this exceptional prize.

We want to convey our deepest congratulations to both researchers!