Each month the Observatori Astronòmic del Montsec (OAdM) of IEEC publishes an outstanding image from the observations made there. In October, the protagonist of the image of the month is the Arp 316 galaxy group.
The three galaxies NGC 3187 (right), NGC 3190 (bottom center) and NGC 3193 (left) form the group Arp 316. The first two are spirals, the first traversed by bands of dark dust, and another with a characteristic shape of S. Along with its elliptical companion, these galaxies in this group show obvious signs of distortions and high star formation by mutual interactions, which surely end up producing their merger. At the bottom of the image can be located several dozen more distant galaxies.
The image was captured with the main camera, MEIA2, Joan Oró telescope, using different broadband filters in a total of about 2 hours of exposure.