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To celebrate the "International Day of Women and Girls in Science", the supplement of the ARA newspaper published an article about the presence of researcher women in Astronomy, commented by Cesca Figueras, an ICCUB researcher and the president of the Spanish Astronomy Society.

In the article, Cesca Figueras point out "we are progressing very slowly with the famous scissor effect graphic, which shows how the student and graduate women are the majority but also how it is inverted when women occupy fixed positions or responsibility". Figueras also highlights the low female presence in the professorial chairs of the Spanish public universities, currently situated at 21%.

The text continues with a review of the book written by the North American journalist and scientist Dava Sobel 'The Crystal Universe', which talks about the women researchers of the Harvard Observatory. In addition, the article highlights the role of Assumpció Català in Catalan Science.

Image: Gaia researchers at UB / FRANCESC MELCION