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The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA, consortium celebrates the regularly meeting of the Common Camera Components (CCC) work-package, since its creation in late 2012. The meeting deals with the main components of the camera: Slow control and Power, Mechanics and Cooling, High Voltage and pre-amplification, Signal processing, Interface board: HVPA-FEB, Camera/Array trigger, Readout and Data transfer, Integration and Test and Calibracition. About 35 participants will discuss about the proposed design and methodologies, and it will fix the common guidelines to share as much parts as posible the common sistems between the diferent kind of cameras. This is the second of a series of meetings of the NectarCAM-CCC work-package group, to be held every 6 months as face to face meetings, and monthly as phone-conferences.

Place: Barcelona, Facultat de Física de la Universitat de Barcelona

Date: 17-19 September 2013

Contact: Marc Ribó (