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TERMCAT has just published on-line the Diccionari de física, produced by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Enciclopèdia Catalana and TERMCAT. It includes more than 3.000 Catalan terms, with equivalents in Spanish, French and English. Two members of the ICCUB, Carme Jordi and Eduard Masana contributed to the edition of the dictionary. This work gathers and defines concepts related to different branches of Physics, like Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Optics, Relativity, Quantum Physics, Particles Physics, Nuclear Physics, Atomic Physics and Condensed Matter Physics. This selection is completed by a block about Space and Earth Physics and another about Medical Physics. The dictionary contains 3.085 terms, like: Higgs's boson, Planck's constant, Hertzsprung-Russell's diagram, Photoelectric Effect, Maxwell's equations, Gravitation Newton's Law, Standard Model, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox or Wegener's theory. Every terminological article includes one or some Catalan names and their equivalences, one definition and, quite often, encyclopedic notes. Likewise, it is indicated the area which every term belongs to. You can look up the words alphabetically, thematically or by search. El Diccionari de física has been produced by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Enciclopèdia Catalana and TERMCAT, with a large group of specialist in some sub-specialties, and it is a part of a collection of Scientific and Technological dictionaries. Also have been cooperating Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera and Fundació Torres-Ibern .