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On 2-4 November, the European Space Astronomy Centre near Madrid, Spain, will host the Gaia 2016 Data Release #1 Workshop. Many of the talks will be broadcast live.

The first catalogue from the Gaia satellite, containing the positions and brightness measurements of more than a billion stars, was published on 14 September, along with the Tycho–Gaia Astrometric Solution, a data set of distances and motions for about two million stars. The ICCUB has participate very actively in this release as we contribute with many engeneers and astronomers.

Since then, astronomers worldwide have been exploring the data, accessible via the Gaia Archive. Now, ESA and the Gaia Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC) have organized a workshop to provide deeper insight into the data and hands-on guidance in using the archive.

The workshop will provide a basic introduction to the mission concept and its performance in space, an overview of the catalogue contents including scientific quality and practical information on how to handle them for science research. In particular, workshop participants will learn how to interact with the data within the Gaia Archive and using Virtual Observatory protocols and tools.