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On the 19th of December of 2014 it will have passed a whole year since Gaia was launched with exit to the space.

During this first year Gaia has already observed 12.0000 transits corresponding to 10.000 gigabytes of data, and its velocity spectrograph has obtained more spectra than the total number compiled in the whole history of astronomy.
The components of the satellite have behaved pretty well and more precise measurements than expected have been achieved.

The members of ICCUB involved in the Gaia mission have been present since the beginning. They have been responsible for the construction of some of its instruments as well as for the data analysis during the first stage of the mission.

Everything suggests that if the satellite keeps working that well, passed the 5 years of duration of this mission, Gaia could provide the world with the most extense catalogue of the Milky Way ever made.