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On February 11th was held the ceremony of the Prizes Ciutat de Barcelona 2013, given by the Institute of Culture of Barcelona. This year the team of scientists of the Gaia project at UB were awarded in the category of Experimental Sciences and Technology. The group comprises researchers from the Department of Astronomy and Meteorology, of the Institute of Cosmos Sciences ( ICCUB ) and the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia ( IEEC ) . The award was collected by researchers at the University of Barcelona Jordi Torra and Carme Jordi.

According to the jury , the Gaia Team at UB has been recognized " for their contribution , from the beginning, to the concept and design of the Gaia mission , the satellite which was successfully lifted on December 19th, 2013 and must make a 3D map of the Milky Way . This work has led to important contributions to the development of the module simulations , processing and management of data from the satellite and the treatment of photometric data ". The jury in this category was formed by Josep Amat, David Jou, Víctor Puntes, David Serrat and Fernando Albericio.