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Gaiaverse is a multilingual portal aimed at disseminating information about the Gaia mission generated in every country or institution involved in the project. The portal is managed by researchers at the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona (ICCUB-IEEC). The portal is part of the project GENIUS, a European project in which ICCUB collaborates. GENIUS aims at becoming a hub of Gaia’s spreading knowledge by collecting all kind of divulgation materials such as presentations, videos, posters, brochures, tools, news… which are all available through this portal, Gaiaverse. Eduard Masana, ICCUB researcher, is one of the members of the editorial board that validate the contents of the portal. Information is available in six languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Catalan. Link to Gaiaverse The Montsec Observatory and Gaia alerts One of the first pieces of news published in the portal describes the use of the robotic telescope Joan Oró at the Montsec Observatory (OAdM), located at Àger (Lleida, Spain), by ICCUB researchers within a ground-based follow-up programme to monitor the evolution of transient objects detected by Gaia. Alerts are activated when Gaia detects a source increasing their brightness with respect to previous observations. A procedure designed on a project developed within the master’s degree in Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Cosmology of the UB, transfer information to the robotic telescope for ground observations. From February 2015 when the programme was activated, a total of about 1400 images in multicolor Johnson-Cousins passbands were obtained with the telescope Joan Oró for 17 Gaia science alerts. This makes OAdM the third most contributing observatory among all of the participants in the Gaia photometric science alert project.