The Collaboration between ICCUB and Sonar festival has attracted the attention of many outstanding publications and media. One of those has been the Technological and IT trends magazine ZDNet, who published a whole article discussing the topic titled “Do aliens feel the beat? Music sent into space for extraterrestrials to decode”.
The IT magazine also interviewed Jordi Portell, ICCUB member, to go into details about the project. It is called Sonar Calling and consists on sending music pieces from the festival into space, with the aim that they will arrive to exoplanet Luyten Star b, wich is potentially habitable. They send it in digital format using a large radiofrequency antenna located at EISCAT facilities in Tromso. As Portell highlighted during the interview “Whether the message arrives or not, at least it has been an effective way to make space technology available to the Sónar audience. In fact, it's a scientific dissemination project".