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On Thursday 11 May the ICCUB will inaugurate its new premises at Parc Científic de Barcelona. This new premises will house the institute's Technological Unit, which has been created to enforce projects with an important technological component, either focused on science, research or technology demonstrators, among others. The Unit is built upon the know-how earned by its members during several years working on outstanding and groundbreaking international projects, such as LHCb, Gaia, Solar Orbiter or CTA.

The premises consist on offices and electronics and instrumentation laboratories located in the D and I buildings of PCB (at about 400m from the Physics Faculty, headquarters of the ICCUB).

The inauguration ceremony will include the participation of the State Secretary for Research, Development and Innovation Carmen Vela, the UB rector Joan Elias and the Secretary of Universities and Research of the Government of Catalonia, Arcadi Navarro.

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