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We have witnessed the birth of a new era of scientific discoveries with the detection of gravitational waves by LIGO-Virgo-Kagra starting in 2015. In the next couple of decades, the third generation of detectors will arrive to continue unlocking the potential that the study of gravitational waves encloses. One such detector is the Einstein Telescope, an underground, cryogenic facility to be built in Europe by 2035. 

Among other European institutions, the ICCUB signed as a third party the Horizon Europe proposal  that was awarded to the collaboration to begin the preparatory phase of ET in September 2022. 

To consolidate our scientific involvement with the ET collaboration, we presented a proposal for a Research Unit which was accepted on November 16, 2022 during ET’s yearly meeting. Our Research Unit is a multidisciplinary team of 19 people, participating in areas such as gravitational wave modelling, populations studies, Cosmology, Nuclear Physics, multi-messenger astronomy, data analysis, computing and outreach. 

This early stage involvement with the experiment gives us the possibility of taking advantage of our previous expertise and growing in the directions we consider strategically relevant for the institute. 

We would like to thank the ICCUB and especially the members of our research unit for their support.