The ICCUB has signed an agreement with Scientifica International, S.L.U to cooperate in the areas of nuclear and particle physics, space sciences and industry for science. This general agreement sets the bases for future collaborations between the ICCUB and Scientifica, and has a twofold objective. First, Scientifica will contribute to the commercialization of products developed at ICCUB, in particular, instrumentation, electronics and application specific integrated circuits (ASICs). Secondly, both units will cooperate in highly complex technological projects and will apply together in research and development calls from funding organizations such as the European Space Agency, CERN or ITER.
With the signing of this general agreement the relationship of the ICCUB with Scientifica will be reinforced. For instance, a license agreement has already been signed between Fundació Bosch i Gimpera (the technology transfer office of the University of Barcelona) and Scientifica to commercialize an enhanced Multi-purpose Integrated Circuit ( eMUSIC ) developed at ICCUB. The circuit sum signals received from a silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) array at high speed, high dynamic range and low noise working at a lower voltage. Originally designed for future upgrades of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), eMUSIC can in fact be used in many other scientific and industry applications, like medical imaging, spectrophotometers, fluorescence microscopy, telescopes, radiation detection, and synchrotron and particle accelerators. The technology has been patented by the University of Barcelona and is now patent pending in Europe and the United States.