The Institute of Cosmos Sciences will attend the XVI UB Trade Fair next Wednesday, May 4th, among one hundred other companies. The philosophy of this event is to foster knowledge transfer and lower the barrier between academia and industry to tackle the challenges of our society.
The Trade Fair is a great opportunity for students to stablish connections with companies and research institutions that have activities related to their degrees. These contacts may turn into collaborations, internships or even a work contract. It is also an ideal space to acquire formation in transversal skills such as designing a good CV or making a strong first impression in a job interview. That is why we strongly recommend anyone with an interest in science and technology to attend.
The ICCUB booth will be located at the Solar Atrium (stall nº 26) and it will be open to the public from 10 AM to 4 PM. There, students and prospective collaborators can obtain information about our currently open positions, internships and educational offer (master’s degrees).
We would like to invite you all to visit us at the ICCUB booth and check out the rest of the participating companies and institutions as well. Find more information on the XVI UB Trade Fair here.