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On 15 and 16 July 2015, the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) Resource Board decided that the Roque de los Muchachos observatory, on La Palma, will soon host its major scientific installation in the northern hemisphere. CTA will be a scientific infrastructure composed of two observatories, one in each hemisphere, consisting of a network of new generation Cherenkov telescopes which will enable the study of very high energy gamma rays. The network will consist of 100 telescopes, from which about 20 of them will be installed around several places in the northern hemisphere. The ICCUB participates in the CTA project since its inception and has welcomed many working meetings of the network. ICCUB researchers have been contributing to the Physics and electronics by making simulations of the observations that the CTA will perform of Gamma Ray Binaries. Besides they made a proposal for observing transient galactic objects beneath one of the Key Observation Projects from CTA. As Marc Ribó from ICCUB explains "The ICCUB and the University of Barcelona, will participate in short in the discussion of the many different CTA scientific cases of study and also in the development of technology and integrated electronics. Later on, when CTA is fully working, we will contribute to the examination of the scientific data, which will be managed by the CTA consortium (an entity to which ICCUB researchers belong)." "Being part of CTA –says the researcher– will also give us the oportunity of upgrading, in the future, the electronics of the cameras with new photomultipliers."