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The ICCUB members Jordi Torra and Jordi Portell will participate in the conference 'Gaia: Three years studying the Galaxy', one of the conferences included in the series “Diálogos de Espacio” organized by the Basque firm SENERto celebrate the 50th anniversary of its Space division.


Sener is among the Spanish firms with a higher contribution to the Gaia Mission. In particular, SENER has participated in Gaia by developing the mission deployable sunshield and the positioning mechanism for the secondary mirrors of the telescopes linking the reflector mirror to the optical bench.

The Gaia Mission

The Gaia Mission by the European Space Agency (ESA) was launched in December 2013. Since then, it has repeatedly observed more than a billion stars and other celestial objects, listed in its first star catalog, which was published on 14 September 2016.
ICCUB researchers have a leading role at the highest technological, scientific and management levels of the Gaia Data Processing & Analysis Consortium (DPAC). They have responsibilities in the Simulations, Core Processing and Photometry units, and they manage the Data Processing Center of Barcelona.

Read more about:
- The event:
- Sener contribution to Gaia:
- Sener contribution to Gaia: