Our former PhD student José Luis Bernal wins the XVI Prize for the Spanish Doctoral Thesis in Astronomy and Astrophysics with his work "Cosmology on the Edge of the Λ-Cold Dark Matter”.
The Spanish Astronomy Society (SEA for its initials in Spanish) has just awarded the “SEA Thesis Award 2020” to our former PhD student José Luis Bernal, who has been selected as the winner over other 15 contestants. This award, for theses read in 2019, aims to distinguish the doctoral theses that potentially have a greater impact inthe field of astronomy, evaluating its contribution to the current state of knowledge. The Board of Directors has highlighted the high level of the 16 theses presented in this call.
Supervised by the cosmologist Licia Verde, José Luis Bernal defended his thesis last September, 13th, and is currently doing a postdoctoral stay in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University (JHU,Baltimore, United States).
His research is focused in Cosmology. In particular, he researches about the use of different approaches to understand the nature of the early Universe, the dark matter and dark energy. These problems are approached both from a theoretical point of view and by analyzing observational data with new statistical techniques. In addition to his work on stress in determining the Hubble constant, he is also interested in large-scale observations of the Universe, mapped using line intensities, and in galaxy surveys.
You will find more information about the prize and the 2019 call at the SEA website.