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ICREA Prof. Raul Jimenez, member of the ICCUB, has just published his new book "Democracias Robotizadas" on the role that machine learning, artificial intelligence, bayesian statistics and quantum computing will have on our societies. The book focuses on a very accurate description of what artificial intelligence really is and how this will change our future societies.
“Democracias Robotizadas”

Our democracies have they barely overcome the biggest economic crisis? No, they are at a critical point. Although the main geographic context of this essay is the Western Hemisphere after World War II, the Great Depression in 2007-2008 has seriously affected the general socio-economic system worldwide. Above all other Considerations, what stands out in the current times is the progressive robotization of western democracies, which foretells long-range deep and structural changes. This fourth technological revolution, driven by the generalization of the internet and the automation, intensifies the programs of artificial intelligence and the subsequent production maximization. Eventually, the processes in progress will make superfluous the need for much of the wage labour. Will we live a democratic future like the one now, even with technological changes or will it be different? What impact will robotization have on human relations in democracy? This work describes in detail the applications of robotization and artificial intelligence. Both will influence the process of neo-feudalism in the United States and will inevitably make the implementation of a citizen's income in European Union.