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The astrophysicist, who received in the morning the honorary doctorate, gave a Conference at the Aula Magna about the supernova measurements.

Dr.Saul Perlmutter received the honorary doctorate in a solemn ceremony in theParanimph of the Historical Building of the University of Barcelona. The ceremony was presided by the university’s rector Joan Elias together with his patrons, professors Ramon Canal from the Department of Quantum Physics and Astrophysics and ICCUB researcher Pilar Ruiz Lapuente, and the dean of the Faculty of Physics, Atilà Herms.

Perlmutter explained how his group saw the study of far away supernovas could be the key to study the expansion of the universe. “The idea that the Universe is expanding should trouble you, because the Universe is everything”, he said, while addressing to the audience, mainly lecturers and students.

In the afternoon, he gave the Conference “Stalking dark energy and the accelerating Universe: Moving beyond the first generations of supernova measurements”, where he reviewed the advances made since the Universe’s expansion discovery and talked about the upcoming generation of techniques in the supernova measurement. He ended the conference by encouraging the assistants to continue on developing and constructing new tools.

You can see the whole Conference in our Youtube Channel

For further information read University of Barcelona - News