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Adrià Gomez Valent and Ignasi Pérez Ràfols received the extraordinary doctorate award to their PhD thesis. The prizes were announced lastSeptember, but the ceremony was celebrated the past Tuesday in the Paranimph of the Historical Building, and was presided by the rector Joan Elias.

The XXII Doctors' Senate Awards and the Extraordinary Doctorate Awards corresponded to the 2016/2017 academic year. The awards are decided, assessed and selected by a rigorous tribunal composed of Postdoctoral researchers and professors from UB. Only theses with the “excellent cum laude”qualification are able to compete in this exceptional prize.

The awards are aimed to distinguish the theses that represent relevant contributions to the human knowledge and improvement of science. Adrià Gómez Valent - supervised by Professor Joan Solà Peracaula- studied the class of running vacuum models together with some other dynamical dark energy cosmologies, and their ability to explain the wealth of cosmological observations. For his part, Ignasi PérezRàfols developed the thesis “The cross-correlation among tracers of the underlying large-scale mass distribution in the universe”, under the supervision of Professor Jordi Miralda.