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Mercè Romero is a postdoc researcher at the Galaxy Structure and Evolution Area of our Institute, where she studies the galaxy’s kinematics and structure through Gaia data, and makes predictions based on galactic models. She is currently involved in the Galaxy modelling using both test particle and N-body simulations, and also contributing in the creation of the Gaia catalogue under the CU9-Validation unit.

Mercè is one of the Gaia’s group members at the University of Barcelona. The group has a major role in the development of the simulations and the initial processing and photometric data from the mission. They also contribute to the software development, data management and its monitoring and scientific validation.

The Gaia Mission is an ambitious mission by the European Space Agency, aimed to chart a three-dimensional map of our Galaxy, the Milky Way, and in the process revealing the composition, formation and evolution of the Galaxy. It was send to space in 2013, and since then it has produce a detailed map of our galaxy and two data catalogues that several teams all over the world use in their research.

You will find her group's information and profile here.

See Mercè's latest publications at ADS.