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In order to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the Institute of Cosmos Sciences releases each day of this week one piece on one of its most renowned researchers.

Today we look into Licia Verde research:

Position: ICREA Professor

Field: Cosmology and Large Scale Structure

Research: Licia Verde is an astrophysicist with interest in cosmology, which is the study of the origin, evolution and composition of the universe.

Her research topics include theoretical cosmology, cosmic microwave background, large-scale structure, statistical applications and data analysis.

She is interested in the study of the "large-scale distribution of galaxies" and the statistical properties of the heat left over from the big bang to shed light on the universe composition, including the dark energy component, and its history.

She is involved with several projects: Sloan Digital Sky survey III, DESI, Euclid.

The last year she was awarded with the Narcis Monturiol medal for their scientific contributions and with the National Research Prize 2018. The jury has valued the work of Licia Verde for its pioneering findings on Universe and to contribute decisively to understand how matter and dark energy are distributed in the universe.