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In order to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the Institute of Cosmos Sciences releases each day of this week one piece on one of its most renowned researchers.

Today we look into María Concepción García González research:

Position: ICREA Professor

Field: Particle Physics Phenomenolgy

Research: María Concepción García González is a theoretical particle physicist. She studies the fundamental laws that govern the behaviour of the smallest components of Nature: the elementary particles. She does it by comparing the predictions from different theories with measurements performed at accelerators, where high energy beams of matter are made to collide, as well as in experiments which detect the elementary particles arriving to us from outer space, and which were produced in the burning of the stars or during the reactions occurring in the early Universe. The ultimate goal is two-fold: understand the physical laws of the microcosms as well as how they determine the Universe we live in.

She has written over 100 research papers on particle physics phenomenology, as well as some review articles. She is regularly invited to international meetings and conferences and she has given plenary talks at the most important conferences in her area.