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Xavier Luri has been elected new director of the ICCUB. X. Luri will take over within the following weeks, after appointment by the UB rector, replacing the present director Lluís Garrido. Assumpta Parreño and Federico Mescia will join Luri’s executive team as vice-director and secretary, respectively.

In a presentation held during the election campaign, X. Luri established as the primary goals of his program the consolidation of the institute, the increase of the internal cohesion and the promotion of more and better science. After congratulating the former directors of the ICCUB for the excellent progress made by the institute since it was created in 2006, he emphasized the benefits brought by the Maria de Maeztu award and insisted on the importance of renewing the accreditation to secure the success achieved so far.

PhD in Physics by the University of Barcelona in 1993, X. Luri continued his career at the UB within the field of space missions, especially for the Gaia Mission of the European Space Agency (ESA), of which he was one of the proposers. He is presently associate professor at the Department of Quantum Physics and Astrophysics (FQA), co-PI of the Gaia group at the ICCUB and a member of the Gaia-DPAC (Gaia data processing consortium) executive committee, where he manages the group in charge of the archive development. He has been IP of several projects of the Spanish National Plan dedicated to the development of Gaia data processing and IP of the European project GENIUS FP7, dedicated to the development of tools for the data archive. He has also been a member of the executive board of the Spanish Astronomical Society. Apart from his tasks on research and management, X. Luri is a very active science disseminator and is one of the founders of Big Van company, which groups active scientists working in science dissemination. Since 2013 he is also founder member of DAPCOM SL, a UB and UPC spin-off company, where he participates as a scientific and business advisor.

A. Parreño, also PhD in Physics by the University of Barcelona in 1997, has devoted her research career to understanding how nuclear constituents interact. After completing her PhD thesis on a theoretical model to describe the decay of hypernuclear systems, her interest shifted to less model-dependent strategies to approach the interaction among baryons. She performed part of her postdoctoral research at the Institute for Nuclear Theory, in Seattle, USA, as research associate, and returned to the University of Barcelona in 2001, eventually becoming an associate professor in 2007. Recently, she has joint several initiatives to use supercomputation to further understand how nuclei emerge from the complicated quark-gluon dynamics. In this field, she has led and participated in several PRACE projects and in 2004 she cofounded the Nuclear Physics with Lattice QCD Collaboration ( Previously to becoming vice-director of the ICCUB, A. Parreño has been serving on the on the Scientific Board of the Institute since 2016.

F. Mescia obtained his PhD in Physics at the University of Rome in 2002. After holding different positions in Southampton, Rome and Frascati, he joined the University of Barcelona in 2008, where he became an associate professor in 2014. F. Mescia’s main research interests are in the field of the phenomenology of the elementary particles within and beyond the Standard Model. He has made important scientific contributions in this field throughout his career, in particular in flavour physics. Previously to becoming secretary of the ICCUB, F. Mescia has been serving on the on the Executive Board of the Institute since 2016 and in the ICCUB Colloquia Commission since 2010.