
The ICCUB, Unit of Excellence María de Maeztu, was awarded this recognition for the second time by the Spanish Government in 2020, as a center with a highly competitive strategic research programme in the frontiers of knowledge. Thanks to this recognition, we have the opportunity to offer a PhD grant funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ESF Investing in your future”:

- Fundamental Physics and Astrophysics from Gravitational Waves, PI Jordi Miralda, Reference CEX2019-000918-M-21-3


This thesis project is open to a variety of research projects related to fundamental gravity theory and applications of general relativity in cosmology.



·         Who can apply?

Applicants may be all those who are enrolled or admitted to a doctoral program for the 2021/2022 academic year, at the time of the application submission. Applicants may also be all those people who, even though at the time of the application submission are not enrolled or admitted to a doctoral program, they will be on the date the contract is formalized, in accordance with article 18.

Applications must be submitted online through this link of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación from October 28 until November 11, 2021 at 2:00PM CET. To request the present research project please use the following reference: CEX2019-000918-M-21-3.


Employment conditions:

·         Which is the salary?

The minimum salary compensation that researchers in training must receive will be 16.640 euros gross per year for each of the first two years, 17.830 for the third year and 22.290 for the fourth year.

You will also get an additional funding of 6.860€ that you will be able to spend on tuition or research visits, for example. More information, at the article 7.

·         What is the duration of the contract?

A maximum of four years.

More information here

Contact: Jordi Miralda (


About the Institute of Cosmos Sciences:

The ICCUB is an interdisciplinary center with more than 60 long term scientists, 20 engineers and 80 postdoctoral researchers (55% international) and PhD students (30%international) offering an international and multicultural environment. The ICCUB also hosts a vibrant fundamental research program in cosmology, astrophysics and particle physics, with a strong technology unit supporting our participation in international collaborations in observational astronomy and experimental particle physics.

As part of the University of Barcelona, the ICCUB is a recipient of the European Commission’s HR Excellence in Research (HRS4R) Award, which recognises, among other achievements, respect for equal opportunities and the capacity to attract talent in a positive working environment that promotes the pursuit of successful research careers. The ICCUB respects the principles of open, transparent, merit-based selection. We strongly encourage women and underrepresented minorities in physical sciences to apply. For additional information, please see the Diversity, equity and inclusion Commission.

The ICCUB is located in Barcelona, considered the 8th World's Best Cities 2021: one with near-perfect weather year-round, miles and miles of beaches, iconic parks, striking architecture and colourful neighbourhoods that march to their own beat—artistic, sophisticated, bohemian. Moreover, it is a pole of attraction for the technology sector, a top choice to establish a company in this sector, and it hosts some of the world's major technological events, such as the Mobile World Congress and the Smart City Expo. In addition, Barcelona and its metropolitan area is a leading destination on the map of global technological ecosystems and has infrastructures such as science parks, universities and the 22@ district.